Package-level declarations


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abstract class ASTProcessingCommand<R : Node, P : ASTParser<R>>(val parserInstantiator: ParserInstantiator<P>, help: String = "", name: String? = null) : CliktCommand
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class ASTSaverCommand<R : Node, P : ASTParser<R>>(parserInstantiator: ParserInstantiator<P>) : ASTProcessingCommand<R, P>

This command prints the AST on the console or on file. The formats are the debugging format, JSON, XML, or EMF-JSON.

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class CLITool<R : Node, P : ASTParser<R>>(parserInstantiator: ParserInstantiator<P>, replacedConsole: CliktConsole? = null) : CliktCommand

This class is intended to be instantiated by providing an instantiation that is aware of a specific parser.

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class NodeStatsCollector(val simpleNames: Boolean) : StatsCollector
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interface StatsCollector
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class StatsCommand<R : Node, P : ASTParser<R>>(parserInstantiator: ParserInstantiator<P>) : ASTProcessingCommand<R, P>

Command to calcualte statistics on the ASTs produced and print them.


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fun File.changeExtension(newExtension: String): File