
class PrinterOutput(nodePrinters: Map<KClass<*>, NodePrinter>, nodePrinterOverrider: (node: Node) -> NodePrinter? = { _ -> null })

This provides a mechanism to generate code tracking indentation, handling lists, and providing other facilities. This is used in the implementation of NodePrinter and in ASTCodeGenerator.


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constructor(nodePrinters: Map<KClass<*>, NodePrinter>, nodePrinterOverrider: (node: Node) -> NodePrinter? = { _ -> null })


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fun associate(ast: Node, generation: PrinterOutput.() -> Unit)
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fun dedent()
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fun indent()
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fun print(text: Char)
fun print(value: Int)
fun print(text: String)
fun print(ast: Node?, prefix: String = "", postfix: String = "")
fun print(text: String?, prefix: String = "", postfix: String = "")
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fun printFlag(flag: Boolean, text: String)
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fun <T : Node> printList(elements: List<T>, separator: String = ", ")
fun <T : Node> printList(prefix: String, elements: List<T>, postfix: String, printEvenIfEmpty: Boolean = false, separator: String = ", ")
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fun println()
fun println(text: String = "")
fun println(ast: Node?, prefix: String = "", postfix: String = "")
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fun text(): String