
class GenericErrorNode(error: Exception? = null, message: String? = null) : Node, ErrorNode

Generic implementation of ErrorNode.


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constructor(error: Exception? = null, message: String? = null)


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fun Node.addSeveralAfter(newNodes: List<Node>)

Inserts the newNodes after this node if it is in a MutableList. For this to work, Node.assignParents must have been called.

fun Node.addSeveralAfter(targetNode: Node, newNodes: List<Node>)

Looks for targetNode in the lists of nodes in this node. When found, newNodes are inserted after it. When not found, an IllegalStateException is thrown.

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fun Node.addSeveralBefore(newNodes: List<Node>)

Inserts the newNodes before this node if it is in a MutableList. For this to work, Node.assignParents must have been called.

fun Node.addSeveralBefore(targetNode: Node, newNodes: List<Node>)

Looks for targetNode in the lists of nodes in this node. When found, newNodes are inserted before it. When not found, an IllegalStateException is thrown.

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Sets or corrects the parent of all AST nodes. Kolasu does not see set/add/delete operations on the AST nodes, so this function should be called manually after modifying the AST.

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fun <T> Node.collectByType(klass: Class<T>, walker: (Node) -> Sequence<Node> = Node::walk): List<T>

T is not forced to be a subtype of Node to support using interfaces.

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fun Node.computeIds(walker: (Node) -> Sequence<Node> = Node::walk, idProvider: IdProvider = SequentialIdProvider()): IdentityHashMap<Node, String>
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fun Node.computeIdsForReferencedNodes(walker: (Node) -> Sequence<Node> = Node::walk, idProvider: IdProvider = OnlyReferencedIdProvider(this)): IdentityHashMap<Node, String>
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Return the property containing this Node, if any. Null should be returned for root nodes.

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fun contains(range: Range?): Boolean

Tests whether the given range is contained in the interval represented by this object.

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fun Node.debugPrint(indent: String = "", configuration: DebugPrintConfiguration = DebugPrintConfiguration()): String
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fun detach(keepRange: Boolean = true, keepSourceText: Boolean = false)
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fun Node.find(predicate: (Node) -> Boolean, walker: (Node) -> Sequence<Node> = Node::walk): Node?
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fun <T> Node.findAncestorOfType(klass: Class<T>): T?

Note that type T is not strictly forced to be a Node. This is intended to support interfaces like Statement or Expression. However, being an ancestor the returned value is guaranteed to be a Node, as only Node instances can be part of the hierarchy.

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fun Node.findByRange(range: Range, selfContained: Boolean = false): Node?
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fun Node.hasValidParents(parent: Node? = this.parent): Boolean
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Return the index of this Node within the containing property. The return value is null for root nodes. The index is always 0 for Nodes in singular containment properties.

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fun Node.isBefore(other: Node): Boolean
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fun Node.mapChildren(operation: (Node) -> Node): Node
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fun overlaps(range: Range?): Boolean

Tests whether the given range overlaps the interval represented by this object.

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fun Node.processConsideringDirectParent(operation: (Node, Node?) -> Unit, parent: Node? = null)

Recursively execute operation on this node, and all nodes below this node. Every node is informed about its parent node. (But not about the parent's parent!)

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fun Node.processNodes(operation: (Node) -> Unit, walker: (Node) -> Sequence<Node> = Node::walk)

Recursively execute operation on this node, and all nodes below this node.

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fun <T> Node.processNodesOfType(klass: Class<T>, operation: (T) -> Unit, walker: (Node) -> Sequence<Node> = Node::walk)

Recursively execute operation on this node, and all nodes below this node that extend klass.

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fun Node.processProperties(propertiesToIgnore: Set<String> = emptySet(), propertyOperation: (PropertyDescription) -> Unit)

Executes an operation on the properties of a node.

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fun registerObserver(observer: Observer<*>)
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Removes this node from the parent if it is in a MutableList. For this to work, Node.assignParents must have been called.

fun Node.removeFromList(targetNode: Node)

Looks for targetNode in the lists of nodes in this node. When found, it is removed. When not found, an IllegalStateException is thrown.

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fun Node.replaceWith(other: Node)

Replace this node with other (by modifying the children of the parent node.) For this to work, Node.assignParents must have been called.

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Replaces this node with any amount of other nodes if it is in a MutableList.

fun Node.replaceWithSeveral(oldNode: Node, newNodes: List<Node>)

Looks for oldNode in the lists of nodes in this node. When found, it is removed, and in its place the newNodes are inserted. When not found, an IllegalStateException is thrown.

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fun Node.searchByRange(range: Range, selfContained: Boolean = false): Sequence<Node>
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fun <T> Node.searchByType(klass: Class<T>, walker: (Node) -> Sequence<Node> = Node::walk): Sequence<T>
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override fun toString(): String

This must be final because otherwise data classes extending this will automatically generate their own implementation. If Link properties are present it could lead to stack overflows in case of circular graphs.

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fun Node.transformChildren(operation: (Node) -> Node)
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fun Node.transformTree(operation: (Node) -> Node, inPlace: Boolean = false, mutationsCache: IdentityHashMap<Node, Node> = IdentityHashMap<Node, Node>()): Node
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fun unregisterObserver(observer: Observer<in Node>)
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Traverse the entire tree, deep first, starting from this Node.

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fun Node.walkDescendants(walker: (Node) -> Sequence<Node> = Node::walk): Sequence<Node>
fun <N : Any> Node.walkDescendants(type: KClass<N>, walker: (Node) -> Sequence<Node> = Node::walk): Sequence<N>
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Performs a post-order (or leaves-first) node traversal starting with a given node.

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open override val message: String
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open val nodeType: String
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The node from which this AST Node has been generated, if any.

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var parent: Node?

The parent node, if any.

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The properties of this AST nodes, including attributes, children, and references.

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open override var range: Range?

The range of this node in the source text. If a range has been provided when creating this node, it is returned. Otherwise, the value of this property is the range of the origin, if any.

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open override val source: Source?
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open override val sourceText: String?

The source text for this node

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