Package-level declarations


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interface ASTParser<R : Node>
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open class CodeProcessingResult<D>(val issues: List<Issue>, val data: D?, val code: String? = null) : Serializable

The result of processing a piece of source code.

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open class KolasuToken(val category: TokenCategory, val range: Range, val text: String) : Serializable

A token is a portion of text that has been assigned a category.

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class LexingResult<T : KolasuToken>(issues: List<Issue>, val tokens: List<T>, code: String? = null, val time: Long? = null) : CodeProcessingResult<List<T>>

The result of lexing (tokenizing) a stream.

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open class ParsingResult<RootNode : Node>(issues: List<Issue>, val root: RootNode?, code: String? = null, val incompleteNode: Node? = null, val time: Long? = null) : CodeProcessingResult<RootNode>
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data class TokenCategory(val type: String)


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fun String.toStream(charset: Charset = Charsets.UTF_8): ByteArrayInputStream