
data class DeclarativeSymbolResolver(val issues: MutableList<Issue> = mutableListOf()) : LocalSymbolResolver


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constructor(issues: MutableList<Issue> = mutableListOf())


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fun getScope(property: ReferenceByNameProperty, context: Node): Scope?
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fun resolveNode(node: Node, children: Boolean = false)
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open override fun resolveSymbols(root: Node): List<Issue>

This will resolve symbols on the given AST. It will set the links in the ReferenceByName found. It will return a list of issues encountered during symbol resolution.

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inline fun <ContextType : Node> scopeFor(nodeType: KClass<*>, crossinline scopeFunction: (ContextType) -> Scope?)
inline fun <ContextType : Node> scopeFor(reference: ReferenceByNameProperty, crossinline scopeDefinition: (ContextType) -> Scope?)
