
Tells the ASTTransformer whether this NodeTransformer already takes care of the node's children and no further computation is desired on that subtree. E.g., when we're mapping an ANTLR parse tree, and we have a context that is only a wrapper over several alternatives, and for some reason those are not labeled alternatives in ANTLR (subclasses), we may configure the transformer as follows:

transformer.registerNodeTransformer(XYZContext::class) { ctx -> transformer.transform(ctx.children[0]) }

However, if the result of transformer.transform(ctx.children[0]) is an instance of a Node with a child annotated with @Mapped("someProperty"), the transformer will think that it has to populate that child, according to the configuration determined by reflection. When it tries to do so, the "source" of the node will be an instance of XYZContext that does not have a child named someProperty, and the transformation will fail.